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“PFA Teams Visit displaced families; Provide Toys for Children To Support Play Environment”


As part of GCMHP’s efforts to provide psychosocial support and enhance the resilience of displaced families in shadow of the harsh circumstances, our PFA teams have made several visits in camps of displaced persons in the central area of the Gaza Strip.

The PFA visits are part of GCMHP’s emergency intervention plan. They aim at providing psychological first aid to the displaced families and enhance their coping mechanisms.

During the visits the teams distributed bags of toys for children to help them play and create a normal child environment as much as possible, especially at this emergency situation which has deeply affected their activities.

Around 800 thousand school children haven’t gone to school since the breakout of the war last October. This has completely changed their social role from going to school and playing to being mainly involved in strenuous chores of providing logistic supplies for their families (such as bringing water and charging batteries in solar stations) under the war conditions and in risky situations.   

These visits come to provide first psychological aid and also to carry out the initial evaluation process and discover cases that require specialized intervention and refer them for specialized treatment.