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“GCMHP Marks The End Of ‘Sport for Smiles’ Project”

Gaza Community Mental Health Programme (GCMHP) implemented the fourth and final closing ceremony held at the Bureij Sports Service Club.

The ceremony was attended by the enrolled children and their families, as well as representatives from the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), GCMHP and managerial staff of the club.

Ms Shereen Ben Saeed and Ms  Nora Ashour, who were present in behalf of the GIZ, emphasized in their speeches the importance of the project considering the positive impact it has left  on the children and therefore underpinned the need to continue supporting this program. Ms Ben Saeed also thanked the professional and administrative staff members at GCMHP as well as the club management, coaches and the parents and the children for “the great job they’ve done”  and  the success “they’ve given” to the project over a course of 18 months.

On his turn, Mr Adnan Issa, President of Al-Bureij Club, delivered a speech in which he thanked the GCMHP and the donors for implementing “such qualitative and purposeful projects, which supported the wellbeing of the children”.

 The children participating in the project were honoured together with their coaches and the managerial staff of the club.

GCMHP confirms through conducting such projects its commitment to promoting children's mental health and well-being through sports, and enhances the role of sports and safe play spaces in the  community and create the proper environment to develop their abilities and enhance their social integration.