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“Palestinian Lawyers’ Syndicate – Sawasya Programme – Explores Cooperation in Referrals with GCMHP”

With aim of exploring ways of cooperation in exchanging referrals, a delegation from the Palestinian Lawyers’ Syndicate – Sawasya Programme visited GCMHP.

The delegation included Mr Yousef Salem, Coordinator of Awn Access to Justice Network in the Gaza Strip; and Hiba Hijazi, layer at Legal.

Mr Qusai Odei, Director of the Department of External Relations and Resource Development, and Ms Aisha Basiouni, Head of Project Department received the delegation, which started the meeting with an introduction about the role and activities of the syndicate in general and the work it is doing in cooperation with Sawasya.

Mr Salem talked the types of the services that are delivered through Sawasya programme for the vulnerable individuals of the community, explaining that these services include all kinds of legal aid, legal representation and consultation, whether for people in the community or in the rehabilitation centres.

He added that this sector of beneficiaries was noticed to be in need for psychosocial support as well as early mental health intervention.

Based on this, the delegation explored the possibilities of cooperation with Gaza Community Mental Health Programme to provide support for their clients and families.

Mr Salem also proposed to create reciprocal referrals between GCMHP and Sawasya Programme, through which legal clients can receive psychosocial support, and the mental heal cases of GCMHP can receive legal consultation and other legal aid services if they meet the criteria. 

On his part, Mr Abu Odei, provided an introduction about the work and services of GCMHP, expressing his organization readiness to provide all the services needed, whether they are counselling, specialized mental health therapy or awareness raising for both Sawasys staff members or their clients.

It has also been agreed to have another meeting to deeply discuss the mechanism of the work and cooperation between the two organizations.